Papamichail Styliani

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Faculty Members

Assistant Professor


Academic area:

Sociology of deviance

Teaching modules


Sociology of family

Sociology of deviance 


Brief CV  

Stella Papamichail is a Sociologist-Criminologist. She holds a Doctorate (PhD) from the Department of Sociology of Panteion University. From 2018 until the current period (2022) she is an academic fellow of the Department of Social Work of the School of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of West Attica. From 2013 until the spring semester of 2018, she was a scientific and laboratory collaborator of the Department of Social Work of the TEI of Athens. In 2017 she started her collaboration with the Hellenic Open University as a Collaborating Scientific Staff in two Postgraduate Programs. She has taught at Panteion University (in 2010, based on PD 407) and at the Department of Social Work of the TEI of Patras (2008, 2010-2012 as a research associate).

She collaborates with the Department of Criminology of Panteion University, the EPANODOS, a legal entity for post-penitentiary care, the Research Center of Equality (KETHI) and the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) under the Ministry of Public Order.

She is the author of a book on domestic violence and has edited an honorary volume on anti-crime policy. She also participates with a number of scientific contributions in collective volumes and has published numerous articles in Greek and foreign language in scientific journals.


  • 1994: Degree in Sociology, Panteion University
  • 1996: Postgraduate seminar in Criminology, Panteion University
  • 2004: PhD, Department of Sociology, Panteion University.


  • Gender-based violence
  • Victimization and delinquency of minors
  • Informal and formal social control of deviant and criminal behavior


  • Παπαμιχαήλ Σ., Σαββίδης Κ., Κατσαρός Δ., Λιάσκου Μ. (2018). Τα παιδιά μάρτυρες ενδοοικογενειακής βίας: Βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση των εφαρμοσμένων προγραμμάτων και παρεμβάσεων στον ευρωπαϊκό και διεθνή χώρο για την πρόληψη και αντιμετώπιση του φαινομένου, στο Σύγχρονα θέματα αντεγκληματικής πολιτικής, Τιμητικός Τόμος για τον Ομότιμο Καθηγητή Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου, Α. Μαγγανά (επιμ. Ε. Λαμπροπούλου, Σ. Παπαμιχαήλ, Π. Σχίζας), σελ. 778-800, Αθήνα: Παπαζήσης.     
  • Παπαμιχαήλ Σ.(2016). Η οικονομική κρίση στην Ελλάδα και οι επιπτώσεις της στην υγεία και ασφάλεια των παιδιών: Η ειδική περίπτωση των παιδιών- θυμάτων και μαρτύρων ενδοοικογενειακής βίας, στο Έγκλημα και ποινική καταστολή σε εποχή κρίσης, Τιμητικός Τόμος για τον Καθηγητή Νέστωρα Κουράκη, (επιμ. Μ. Γασπαρινάτου), σελ.  1795- 1810. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Αντ. Ν. Σάκκουλα. 

Participation in scientific and administrative boards

• General Secretary of the Board (October 2016- January 2018) and member of the Board. (2016-2019) of the Piraeus Society for the Protection of Minors (supervised by the Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights).

• Member (with the honorary position of Curator) of the Scientific Committee and the Board. of the Crime Prevention Council of the Municipality of Korydallos (2002-2010).