Kontogianni Eleni

qode interactive strata
Faculty Members





(+30) 210 538 1307

Office Address

Campus 2 Ancient Olive Grove: Βuilding D΄, Room 109

Office Hours

Wednesday 14:00-15:00, Thursday 14:00-15:00 (with appointment)

Academic area

Social Work

Teaching modules

  • Practice Placement with Supervision I 
  • Practice Placement with Supervision ΙΙ


Brief CV 

Social Worker, MSW in Social Planning-Social Policy Temple University, USA. Work experience in programs of psychosocial support and integration of Roma, vocational training and employment promotion of people with mental disabilities (Canter for Intercultural Psychiatry and Care). Social worker at the Foundation for Social Work in Refugee Support Programs and Director of the Legal Service of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Athens. As an external collaborator at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responsible for the social planning of the Integrated Social Program for the Reception of Returning Pontians from areas of the former USSR. Social worker at the Special Primary School of ELEPAP and Scientific Director at the Vocational Training Canter of the same body responsible for the design and implementation of training programs for health professionals in the field of disability. Participation in a TEMPUS Program on the Formulation of a new Schedule of Training Program in Social Work in accordance with the Bologna Decision on Higher Education in collaboration with the Department of Social Work of the Ural University of Russia and implementation of new teaching modules at the same University in the framework of the reformed Curriculum. Project Manager of the Education and Lifelong Learning Program entitled “Field Work of the Department of Social Work” of the Ministry of Education. Research – Intervention Program: Investigation of Psychosocial Needs of Roma in the region of West Attica Good Practices of Support and Promotion of their Social Integration.

(Decree of Appointment FEK 194/14.8.03)


  • Postgraduate degree in Social Work (MSW), U.S.A
  • Degree in Social Work
  • Psychosocial support and integration of roma and refugees
  • Social inclusion of disabled persons


  • Asimopoulos, C., Martinaki, S., Kontogianni, Ε., & Kompoti, D. (2019)., Attitudes of Public Servants Towards Roma in Greece: The Need for Action by Social Workers Journal of Sociology and Social Work, Journal of Sociology and Social Work, Vol.7, No 2,105-114.
  • Asimopoulos, C., Martinaki, S., Kompoti, D., Kontogianni, E., & Gouga, G. (2019) Prejudices against Roma in Greece: A Challenge for Social Work. Comunitania: International Journal of Social Work and Social Sciences, 18, 85-100.
  • Asimopoulos, c., Kompoti, D., Kontogianni, Ε., Martinaki, S., Pachi, K., Tzaneti, P. The attitudes of the Nursing Staff towards the Roma in Greece (2019), Greek Medical Archives , 36 (2), 202- 211.
  • Karpetis, C, Kontogianni, Ε. & Papathanasiou, Μ (2009). Planning an intervention for parents, teachers and special scientific staff in the field of education of people with mental retardation and disability. Council of Social Work Training, Family and School, (σελ. 241-251). Athens: Appleprint


  • Coordinator of the Field Placement Committee
  • Founding member of the Laboratory of Counseling, Psychosocial Support and Community Interventions (ESYPSYKOP)