Zachariadi Foteini

qode interactive strata
Adjunct Academic Staff

Academic area

Social Work


Teaching modules

  • Practice Placement with Supervision I


Brief CV 

Foteini Zachariadi is a Social Worker and a Preschool Educator with postgraduate studies (Msc) in Mental Health Promotion – Prevention of Psychiatric Disorders (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). She is a graduate of the department of Social Work (TEI of Athens) and the department of Early Childhood Education (School of Education – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). She has a certificate in Specialization Program in Counseling and Orientation (ASPETE) and she is a certified adult trainer educator (EOPPEP). She has also been trained in Phycoeducational Interventions – Behavioral Family Therapy in Psychosis. She has been working in B’ Pcychiatric Clinic of Attikon University General Hospital since 2007 and  she is also an Adjunct Academic Staff of the department of Social Work of the University of West Attica since 2022. She has also worked in Phycosocial Rehabilitation Units and in a Special Education School Unit. She has taught in postgraduate programs of the Medical School of Athens. She has published scientific articles in books and greek scientific magazines. She has also presented an e-poster in a World Psychiatric Association (WPA) congress. She is a member of the Association of Social Workers of Greece (SKLE) and a member of scientific societies and scientific committees of congresses.



Postgraduate degree (Msc) in Mental Health Promotion – Prevention of Phychiatric Disorders, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School (2012)

Certificate in Specialization Program in Counseling and Orientation, ASPAITE (2021)

Bachelor in Early Childhood Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Education (2008)

Bachelor in Social Work, TEI of Athens, Faculty of Health and Caring Professions (SEYP), Social Work Department (2004)


  • Mental Health Promotion

  • Μental Health of children and adolecents

  • Psychosocial integration of people with disabilities

  • Psychoeducational Interventions in patients and caregivers

  • Counselling and occupational rehabilitation of mentally ill



Zachariadi, F. , Korinthiou M. (2022). Counseling to caregivers of people with chronic mental illness. In: Journal of Counselling and Guidance, Issue 128-129, p. 24-35 

Zachariadi, F., Lazarou, G., Gerekou, M. (2015).  Social Work in a General Hospital Psychiatric Department.  In: G. Papadimitriou (ed.), K. Kounti, M. Tzedaki, M. Passa (eds.), The contribution of Social Work to Psychiatric Therapeutics, p.384-392. Athens: Parisianou

Kontaxakis, V., Kalemi, G., Zachariadi, F.  (2013). The management of grief after suicide.  In: Kontaxakis, V., Lykouras, L., Chavaki-Kontaxaki, M., Christodoulou, C. (eds.), Self-destructive behavior, p.  393-407. Athens :BETA 

Zachariadi, F., Barberis, I., Schiza, S., Douzenis, A., Gournellis, R., Rizos, E. Christodoulou, C. Lykouras, E. (2011).  The role and limitations of social work in the integration of foreigners. The experience from the Psychiatric Clinic of General Hospital. In: Social Work, Issue 102, p. 111-121 



  • Inclusion in the Registry of the Main Teaching Personnel of the National Center for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA) and the Registry of Trainers of the Center of Training and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM) of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

  • Member of the Hellenic Society of Counceling and Guidance (ELESYP)

  • Certified adult trainer educator (EOPPEP)