Teloni Dimitra-Dora

qode interactive strata
Faculty Members

Associate Professor



(+30) 2105381797

Office Address

D Building, 2nd floor, Ancient Olive Grove Campus, University of West Attica, Thivon 250 Egaleo, Athens, Greece, 12241

Office Hours

Monday 10.00-12.00 and Tuesday 10.00-12.00

Academic area

Radical Social Work and Social Services


Teaching modules


Undergraduate Studies

  • Introduction to Social Work
  • Theoretical Approaches in Social Work
  • Human Rights, Social Work and Movements
  • Radical and Critical Social Work


Postgraduate Studies

  • Module: “Advocacy in Social Work and Social Services” Master in Social Rights and Advocacy in Social Services, Panteion University Dept. of Social Policy – University of West Attica, Dept. of Social Work


Brief CV 

Dimitra-Dora Teloni, MA in Research Methodology,  PhD is Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece. She is teaching in social work departments in Greece from 2006 until today in both undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is qualified and registered social worker and she has worked as a social worker with cancer patients and their carers, as well as in community projects for the prevention of drugs and for drug addicted people and their families. She participated for a number of years in grassroots welfare initiatives for people in poverty, refugees as well as in the solidarity movement in Greece during the financial crisis. She has been invited as keynote speaker at various international social work events of International Federation of Social Work, International Brazilian Conference, as well as in Social Work Action Network conferences. She has also been invited for seminars and lectures in Boston University, US and Kiel University in Germany. Her publications and research interests focus on immigration and social work, anti-racist social work, radical and critical social work as well as social movements and social rights’ advocacy.  

[Decree of Appointment (FEK) 1099/2017] 


  • 2011 Doctor of Philosophy, University of Liverpool, UK. PhD Thesis: “Contemporary Social Work Practice in County Welfare Departments and Municipalities: The perspectives of social workers and users”  
  • 2005 MA in Research Methodology (Sociology and Social Policy) University of Liverpool, Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, UK. 
  • 2003 Social Work Bachelor Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Greece (4 years undergraduate studies)


  • Radical and Critical social work
  • Immigration and social work
  • Anti-racist social work
  • Social movements and social work
  • Human Rights and advocacy in social work
  • Community development, community action and local government




  • Teloni, D.D. (2022) ‘Crises, social work and the movements: The Greek Case’ in Kamali, M. (Ed.) Revolutionary Social Work: Promoting Systemic Changes. Taylor & Francis

    Ioakimidis, V., Maragkozakis, A., Mourati, F., Papadopoulou, E., Papazoglou, A., Psyrraki, M. A., & Teloni, D. D. (2022). Rethinking social work supervision: is a ‘radical supervision’ model possible?. Critical and Radical Social Work10(3), 405-421

    Papadopoulou, D., & Teloni, D. D. (2022). Climate change, disasters and social work practice in Greece. Critical and Radical Social Work, 1-15

    Ferguson, I., (2022) The politics of the Mind, Marxism and Mental Distress, scientific editor for the Greek editions Dimitra-Dora Teloni

    Teloni, D. D., Dedotsi, S., Lazanas, A., & Telonis, A. (2021). Social work with refugees: Examining social workers’ role and practice in times of crisis in Greece. International Social Work,

    Teloni, D. D., Dedotsi, S., & Telonis, A. G. (2020). Refugee ‘crisis’ and social services in Greece: social workers’ profile and working conditions. European Journal of Social Work23(6), 1005-1018

    Dimitra-Dora Teloni, (2020) Social Work and COVID-19 in Greece. In M., Lavallette, Ioakimidis, V., & Ferguson, I. (Eds) Social Work and the COVID-19 Pandemic International Insights, Bristol University Press, pp. 87 – 94

    Ioakimidis, V., & Teloni, D. D. (2019). Reflections on the Development, Ideology and Practice of Anti-Racist Social Work in Greece, In Gurnam Singh and Masocha (eds), Anti-Racist Social Work: International Perspectives, London: Red Globe Press pp. 79-94 ISBN 9781352008159 

    Teloni, D. D., & Adam, S. (2018). Solidarity Clinics and social work in the era of crisis in Greece. International Social Work, 61(6), 794-808

    Teloni, D. D., & Mantanika, R. (2015). ‘This is a cage for migrants’: the rise of racism and the challenges for social work in the Greek context. Critical and Radical Social Work, 3(2), 189-206 


  • 2004-2005 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Pan-Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer in Patras, Greece 
  • 2006-2007 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Association of Volunteers against Cancer. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Association of People with Larynx Cancer 
  •  Foundation member of the Social Work Action Network in Greece and member of the Steering Group International Social Work Action Network (Swan-i). 
  • Member of the European Association of Schools of Social Work and International Association of Schools of Social Work
  • Reviewer in International Social Work Journal, European Journal of Social Work, Social Policy (in Greek)  
  • Deputy Editor in Critical and Radical Social Work An International Journal, Policy Press
  •  Member of the International Advisory Board, Journal La Revista Propuestas Críticas en Trabajo Social – Critical Proposals in Social Work Universidad de Chile
  • 2016-2017  Member of the Advisory Board of the Research Project Re-Invest Project, Alliances to fight Poverty
  • Collaboration and teaching in social work departments in Alice Solomon Berlin, Kiel University,  Boston University- School of Social Work, US
  • Associate Director, Postgraduate Studies, Master in Social Righs and Advocacy in Social Services, Panteion University, Dept. of Social Policy and University of West Attica, Dept. of Social Work