Dedotsi Sofia

qode interactive strata
Faculty Members

Assistant Professor



210 5381051

Office Address

Campus 2, block D, office 110 (ground floor)

Office Hours

Monday and Wednesday 10.00-12.00 (appointment via email)

Academic area

Social work education and anti-oppressive practices


Teaching modules

  • Self-awareness in Social Work 
  • Discrimination and anti-oppressive approaches in social work
  • Community social work
  • Field Practice Supervision

Postgraduate Studies

  • Module: “Social Services and Anti-Oppressive Social Work” Master in Social Rights and Advocacy in Social Services, Panteion University Dept. of Social Policy – University of West Attica, Dept. of Social Work

Brief CV 

Sofia Dedotsi (PhD) is an assistant professor at the Department of Social Work, University of West Attica, in Athens, Greece since 2020. She is a qualified social worker, with field experience in child protection and family support in the UK (2007-2010) and Greece (2014-2015). She has been teaching in different social work courses in Universities in Greece and UK since 2010. Her research interests lie in critical theories and analysis in social work, including anti-oppressive practice, social work education, migration as well as social policy. In 2009, whilst working as a social worker in Wales, UK, she gained the Advanced Award in Social Work from the PQ Consortium for Wales and she was also an elected board member of the European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA), between 2014-2019, where she also took the position of Vice-Chair (2017-2019). She has published in several academic journals, books and conferences as well as given guest lectures in Universities in and outside Greece. She is an ad-hoc reviewer for many journals and recently joined the Editorial Board of the upcoming European Social Work Research Journal.

(Decree of Appointment (FEK) 346/Γ’/27-02/2020)


  • 2016 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Work, University of Manchester, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, UK. PhD thesis title: Anti-oppressive practice and social work education in Greece

  • 2009 Master of Science (MSc) in Advanced Social Work, Cardiff University, School of Social Sciences, UK

  • 2006 Bachelor of Science (BSc Hons) in Social Work, Technological Educational Institute of Patras, School of Sciences of Health & Care, Greece

  • Anti-oppressive practices in social work
  • Social work education
  • Human rights, discriminations, and oppression
  • Radical and critical social work
  • Social policy and social services
  • Crisis intervention
  • Migration, migration policies and social work



  • Gomez-Ciriano, E.J., Cabiati, E. and Dedotsi, S. (eds) (2023) Migration and Social Work: Approaches, Visions and Challenges, Bristol: University Press.

    Jones, D., Page, V., Patterson, H., Streener, E., Hamilton, R. & Dedotsi, S. (2023) “Engaging in critical consciousness in social work education: reflections from a student-academic international refugee activist project”, Social Work Education,

    Teloni, DD., Dedotsi, S., Lazanas, A., and Telonis, A., (2021) Social work with refugees: Examining social workers’ role and practice in times of crisis in Greece, International Social Work,

    Teloni, DD., Dedotsi, S., and Telonis, A., (2020) “Refugee ‘crisis’ and social services in Greece: social workers’ profile and working conditions”, European Journal of Social Work, 23 (6), pp. 1005-1018, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2020.1772729

    Dedotsi, S. and Young, A. (2019) “The role of social workers in the development of the welfare state in Greece” in López Peláez, A. and Gómez Ciriano, EJ (eds): Austerity, social work and welfare policies: a global perspective, pp. 75-93, Pamplona: Thomson Reuters Aranzadi.


  • 2021- today Member of the Editorial Board of the European Social Work Research Journal

  • 2016 – today Co-ordinator of the research team “Social Work Research Group on Migration and Asylum” (ESWRA SIG) 

  • 2018 – 2022 External Examiner, Queens University, Department of Social Work, Belfast, Ireland

  • 2017-2019 Vice-President (Vice-President) of the European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA), 

  • 2017-2019 Co-Chair of the Organizing and Scientific Committees of the Annual European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR) in: Aalborg (Denmark), Edinburgh (UK) and Leuven (Belgium).

  • 2014-2019 Elected member of the board of the European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA).

  • 2014 – 2017 Co-ordinator of the research team and network “ESWRA Doctoral and Early Career Researchers”

  • 2015 – today Reviewer in scientific journals European Journal of Social Work, International Social Work Journal, Journal of Social Work Education-The International Journal as well as the publisher Policy Press