Mallouchou Afroditi

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Adjunct Academic Staff

Academic area

Social Work


Teaching modules

  • Practice Placement with Supervision I & II


Brief CV 

Afroditi Mallouchou is a Social Worker and works as a Juvenile Probation Officer at the Juvenile Probation Service & Social Assistance of Piraeus. She holds a PhD in Social Control/Crime Policy, with Postgraduate Specialization Studies (MSc) at the Department of Social & Education Policy of the University of Peloponnese. She is an Accredited Mediator of the Ministry of Justice with further training in Family & School Mediation and a certified Adult Educator.

Included in the Register of Main Teaching Staff of the National Center for Public Administration & Self-Government, she is a trainer of professionals in the subjects: a) Management and Development of Human Resources of the Public Sector and b) Social Protection.

She is trained in Systemic Family and Couples Therapy from the University Mental Health Research Institute. She has attended postgraduate courses, numerous educational programs, as well as two annual specialization courses in the fields of: a) Child Psychology – Child Psychiatry and b) Counseling & Life Coaching (University of the Aegean). She has been educated in Basic Coaching Skills (International Academy for Coach Certification). In addition, she has received special training in Appreciative Systemic Inquiry, as well as in Group Dynamics, by OKANA. She participated in the Transnational Training Program for Trainers in the field of child protection entitled: “The Knowledge Transfer Project Lumos Training-of-Trainers Programme”.

Her research interests include Restorative Justice and its practices, as well as Child Friendly Justice receiving special training in the implementation of Restorative Justice for juveniles from the International Juvenile Justice Observatory. With an undiminished interest and experience in juvenile delinquency and victimization, she provides counseling to children, adolescents & families and coordinates experiential trainings in anger management, social skills development & parenting role empowerment.

She has been a member of expert groups: a) in Mixed Levels of Control of the National Transparency Authority in child protection structures, b) in European programs (Erasmus+), c) in programs of the International Child Protection Organization “Terre des Hommes”, d) in evaluation of educational design files programs of the National Center for Public Administration & Self-Government.

She is an instructor of Practical Laboratory Exercise for students of the Department of Social Work. She participates with presentations in scientific conferences and presents her research in Greek and international publications. Her writing work also includes two educational programs approved by the Ministry of Education & Religion.


  • PhD in Social Control/Crime Policy, University of Peloponnese, School of Social & Political Sciences, Department of Social & Education Policy. 
  • MSc in Social & Education Policy, University of Peloponnese, School of Social & Political Sciences, Department of Social & Education Policy, direction on Social Discrimination, Immigration and Citizenship.
  • B.A. in Social Work, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, School of Health & Welfare Professions, Department of Social Work.


  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Child Protection
  • Child Friendly Justice
  • Restorative Justice
  • School Mediation
  • Foster care/ systemic support of foster & biological families



  • Mallouchou, A., Moutsopoulou, C. (2023).  Risk factors in the family and juvenile delinquency: Multisystemic family and minor support. In S. Martinaki (Eds.). Forensic Psychiatric Social Work (pp. 215-228). Athens: BHTA medical arts (Document in Greek) 
  • Mallouchou, A. (2023). Reconciliation and the expression of apology through the restorative perspective of the juvenile offender’s treatment: The mediating role of the juvenile probation officer. In S. Martinaki (Eds.). Forensic Psychiatric Social Work (pp. 229-242). Athens: BHTA medical arts (Document in Greek) 
  • Mallouchou, A., Moutsopoulou, C. (2023). Adolescent’s anger and aggression management through group psychoeducational counseling. In S. Martinaki (Eds.). Forensic Psychiatric Social Work (pp. 243-254). Athens: BHTA medical arts (Document in Greek) 
  • Poimenidis, N., Mallouchou, A., Alexandri, P. (2023). Juvenile Protective Associations: The example of the Juvenile Protective Association of Piraeus. In S. Martinaki (Eds.). Forensic Psychiatric Social Work (pp.153-164). Athens: BHTA medical arts (Document in Greek) 
  • Mallouchou, A. (2022). Juvenile offender-victim conciliation in juvenile criminal justice. In Antigone, the question. Greek Society for the Study of Crime and Social Control (GRSSCSC), Semi-annual Scientific Review on Critical Criminology, the Penal Problem and Social Control, vol. 4, ISSN 2732-8600 (pp. 50-89) (Document in Greek) 
  • Moutsopoulou, C.A., Mallouchou, A. (2022). Mitigation of Juvenile Delinquency Risk through a Person-Centered Approach: The Intervention of Juvenile Probation Services. Research Anthology on Interventions in Student Behavior and Misconduct (Chapter 31, pp. 583-595). USA: Information Resources Management Association 
  • Mallouchou, A., Moutsopoulou, C. (2021). Risk factors in the family and manifestation of aggressive behavior in the school environment. In M. Sofologi & G.A. Kougioumtzis (Eds.) Educational Psychology: Crisis management strategies for children and adolescents in the school environment (pp.147-184). Athens: Gregori. ISBN: 978-960-612-334-4 (Document in Greek) 
  • Mallouchou, A., Moutsopoulou, C. (2020). Risk factors in families leading to children’s aggression at school: A multi-systemic treatment of child aggression. In Contemporary Society, Education & Mental Health, vol.7, (pp. 56-67) 
  • Mallouchou, A., Verykiou J., Kougioumtzis, G. (2018). Manifestations of educational advocacy as a response to school violence. In G.A. Kougioumtzis (Eds.) Teacher Mentoring & Dimensions of Applied School Psychology & Counseling (pp. 293-324). Athens: Gregori (Document in Greek)
  • Mallouchou, A., Moutsopoulou C. (2018). Counseling and Juvenile Probation Officers: Dimensions of social education of minors at risk or in conflict with the Law. Journal of Regional & Socio-Economic Issues, Volume 8, Issue 1, ISSN: 2049-1395 (pp. 57-66)
  • Kougioumtzis, G., Verykiou, J., Mallouchou, A. (2018). School Bullying and Advocacy. In: Thomas, U.  Advocacy in Academia and the Role of Teacher Preparation Programs. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference (Chapter 15, pp. 255-287)
  • Mallouchou, A. (2017). Reconciliation: Greek Juvenile Probation Officers’ reflections on victim-offender mediation approaches in Juvenile Justice, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, 5 Year Celebration Special Issue, ISSN (online): 2056-2985
  • Mallouchou, A. (2017). Perpetrator or victim? Two sides of the same coin. In Contemporary Research in Child Psychology. Volume of Proceedings of a Scientific Conference: “Research and Innovation in Child Psychology and Child Psychiatry – Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives” (pp. 32-41). University of the Aegean Mental & Community Health Programs (Document in Greek)
  • Mallouchou, A, Moutsopoulou, C. (2016). Psychoeducational Counselling for Anger Management and Conflict Resolution. Journal of Regional & Socio-Economic Issues, Volume 6, Special Issue 2, ISSN 2049-1409, pp.173-187.