Kofina Stavroula

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Adjunct Academic Staff


Academic area

Social Work


Teaching modules

  • Practice Placement with Supervision I & II


Brief CV 

Stavroula Kofina is a Social Worker – Social Scientist with PhD Studies in Social Policy and Msc in European Social Policy. Her doctoral thesis was on “Understanding and addressing child poverty through the experiences and representations of children themselves”.

She works at the Special Secretary for Unaccompanied Minors of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum in the Monitoring and Supervision Unit for the Long – Term Accommodation Shelters for UaMs. 

Member of the National Mechanism for the National Action Plan for the Rights of the Children.

She has worked for 25 years in the Department of Social Policy of the Municipality of Agia Varvara, initially as a front-line Social Worker (Social Work with individuals, families, groups and community, child protection, social exclusion) and since 2014 as Head of the following Departments a) Social Protection and Public Health, b) Social Welfare c) Social Solidarity and Protection of the Elderly. She has worked as partner of the General Secretariat of Popular Education in training and providing support services to Roma and juvenile offenders and as a group animator for children and youth. 

He was a Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Intermunicipal Network of Healthy Cities (EDDYPPY) certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and representative in the WHO Working Group “Healthy Cities Environment and Health Working Group”.

Trainer of Trainers in Human Rights for children and youth (Council of Europe /Compass – Compasito). Trainer of Trainers in the empowerment of social workers (Building Competencies of the Social Service Workforce in Europe and Central Asia, Columbia University School of Social Work, SKLE, Unicef). She is also trained in dementia diagnostic and mental empowerment tools, risk assessment tools in child protection, empowerment tools for at-risk youth.

Instructor at the National Training Center of Public Administration in the academic subject “Social Protection”. Instructor of Field Practice for students of the Social Work Department since 1999.

 Her research on social exclusion, child poverty and protection and other issues has been presented at international and national conferences and published as original papers in Greek scientific journals and in collective volumes.



  • 2021: PhD in Social Policy, University of Peloponnese
  • 2017: B.A in Social and Educational Policy, University of Peloponnese, School of Political and Social Sciences, Department of Social and Educational Policy
  • 2015: Msc in European Social Policy, University of Peloponnese
  • 1994: B.A. in Social Work, Technological Educational Institute of Athens



  • Child protection
  • Child poverty
  • Social exclusion
  • Child – centered research



Kofina St., Feronas An, (2022) “Child poverty and social exclusion in Greece through the experience of children”, Social Policy, Social Policy Scientific Society, Issue: 17 

Kofina St., (2021), Social approaches to ageing, collective volume “Third Age: Intertemporal – Interdisciplinary approaches” Thessaloniki: Stamoulis

Kofina St., (2019) Social Work and child poverty: understanding child poverty through children’s experiences and representations”, Review of Social Sciences: Social Work, SCLE, issue 135: 3-28 

Kofina St., Feronas An. (2019) “Here we live differently”: child poverty and experiences of children growing up in deprived neighborhoods of Attica”, 1st  International Conference on Children’s wellbeing, Panteion University of Athens 

Kofina St., Spyridakis M. (2018) Space and experience of social stigma: The case of the Municipality of Agia Varvara, Ethnology, Volume 16 (2013-2016), pp. 25-54, ISSN 1106-0972 

Kofina St., (2016) The Right to the City: the spatial approach to Social Policy issues through the example of the Municipality of Agia Varvara, Social Policy, Social Policy Scientific Society April Issue 5:. 80-100

Katsavou S., Kofina S., Belou V. (2011) “Time Bank: The pilot application in the Municipality of Agia Varvara” Local Government Review, Jan-Feb, Issue 129: 45-48