Douros Panagiotis

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Lab Teaching Staff

Lab Teaching Staff


Office Address

Ancient Olive Grove Campus, Building D

Brief CV 

Panagiotis Douros is a graduate of the University of Sheffield (MA in Arts & Heritage Management) and University of Athens (BA History & Archaeology). He is currently Lab Teaching Staff in the field of cultural management and social impact at the Department of Social Work at the University of West Attica in Greece where he works permanent since 2021. His phd at Democritus University of Thrace refers to Geoculture. He has taught cultural management at Department of Architecture (Democritus University of Thrace), at University of West Attica and at University of Athens. He worked for the Athens & Epidaurus Festival since 2005 till 2020 and for the Greek Ministry of Culture during 2015-2016 as Director of the Cabinet Office. Also, from 2004 till 2014 he travelled as tour leader for many greek travel offices all over the world. He is the main author of the book Cultural Management of arts and heritage and sustainable development, also he participated in edited volume and monograph. He publishes articles and gives lectures on cultural management and social impact.



  • 2012 – 2018: PHD at the Department of Architectural Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. Key point of the research: geoculture & cultural management in Greece.
  • 2001 –2002: M.A. (Master of Arts) in Arts and Heritage Management. University of Sheffield, (Department of Leisure Management, United Kingdom). Dicatsa (reference number: 7-5521)
  • 1996 – 2001: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy Faculty. Department of History and Archaeology, Degree: 8.00/10 
  • 2000 –2001:  (September-February 2001),  Freie Universität Berlin  (Germany), Erasmus Programme, Departments of History and Cultural Studies
  • 2000 –2001:  (June-July 2001) University Bilgi, Istanbul – Turkey. Department of Turkish History and Culture


  • Research Interests

  • Cultural Management

  • Social and Cultural Prescription

  • Cultural Education

  • Digital Transformation



2023: Douros, P., Papageorgiou, K., Milioris, K., Panagiotakopoulou, K., Kaldis, P. Digital transformation using marketing strategies in cultural organizations and diffusion of knowledge through technology. Transnational Marketing Journal. July 2023. 

2023: Katsantoni, M., Ganetsos, T., Alexandrakis. T., & Douros, P. PIGMENTS IDENTIFICATION: COMPARATIVE EXAMINATION OF MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES IN THE HERMITAGE ASCENSION IN PYTHION OF OLYMPUS, GREECE, International Journal of Research in Education Humanities and CommerceVolume 04, Issue 03 “May -June 2023”.

2023: Panagiotis Douros & Panagiotis Kaldes, Cultural management of Arts and Heritage and sustainable Development, Kallipos Open Access Repository, Hellenic Academic Ebooks. 

2023: Mouzakiotou, S., Douros. P., Alexandrakis. T. & Ganetsos., T. The Iconostasis of Panagia Damasta: Pigments Identification in Icons Using N.D.T. International Journal of Arts 2023, 12(1): 1-4DOI: 10.5923/j.arts.20231201.01.

2022: Troussas, C., Krouska, A., Douros, P., Sgouropoulou, C. Recommending Open Educational Resources Using Weighted Linear Combination. Κεφάλαιο βιβλίου από τον Εκδοτικό οίκο Springer.

2022: Douros, P. & Kasaras, K.  CULTURE AND CULTURAL TOURISM IN THE ERA OF CHALLENGES (PANDEMIC, IMMIGRATION, DIGITALIZATION ETC.). GREECE AS A CASE STUDY OF SOUTH EUROPE.  Υποβληθέν  προς  αξιολόγηση  στο  Journal of Cultural Heritage. Elsevier. (Manuscript Nr: CULHER-D-21-00796).

15/09/2022: Kasaras, K., Douros, P. & Benteniotis, V. (2022). Music Industry and Live Streaming Services. Challenges and Perspectives. Widerscreen Journal 25 (1-2), Finland.  

2020: Cultural heritage management for sustainable economic growth, guided by the basic principles of local democracy: the European perception of the Current Affairs Committee for approval at its meeting in 2020 and its policy στο International Journal of Economics and Management Studies ( IJEMS ) Volume 7 Issue 11.

2020: «Υπό τας φιλύρας / Sob as tílias», μετάφραση Fernanda Lemos de Lima, πανεπιστημιακό περιοδικό Principia (Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais Instituto de Letras, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Ano 22), Φεβρουάριος, τεύχος 39, σ. 9.

2019: Greek Journal TA NEA, 12 October.

2011: “Modern Culture in Greece and Touristic Development” 

Edition: POLICY BRIEF – ISTAME FOUNDATION (Volume 14, May 2011)

2010: «Islands of Culture in cities», Journal Citizent’s Culture, Volume 8, December 2010, p. 10.

2005: “Athens Festival: 1955-2005”, Business Administration Bulletin, July-August, volume 353, p. 194.