Lefkaditi Efstathia

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Adjunct Academic Staff


Academic area

Social Work


Teaching modules

  • Practice Placement with Supervision I & II


Brief CV 

Efstathia Lefkaditi is a PhD candidate, holder of a master’s degree in Interconnective Psychiatry and a degree in Social Work.

She has been working since 2007 as a social worker in mental health facilities. In 2013-2018 she was Scientific Manager at a boarding house for psychosocial rehabilitation of people with ASD. She has participated in research projects, as a member of the research group, with the subject of autism. She has participated in conferences with relevant articles. She is a certified Family/Systemic Therapist after four years of study at the Society of Systemic Therapy and intervention in individuals, families and wider systems, with recognition from the EFTA (European Family Therapy Association) of which she is a member since 2013. She has been teaching Systemic Therapy at the Piraeus Institute of Synthetic Counseling and Psychotherapy since 2014 and she also belongs to the supervisory team of the faculty’s students.



-PhD Candidate at the University of West Attica with the subject “The emotional state and quality of interactions of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with their children before and after the implementation of the Cygnet psychoeducation program”) since 2019

-National and Kapodistrian University of Athens at the Medical School the Post-Graduate Program: “Liaison Psychiatry: Integrated care for Physical and Mental Health”. (2014-2016)

-Certification Systemic/Family Therapist. Systemic therapy and intervention to individuals, families and larger systems – (4-year attendance, Chairman: Nicholas Paritsis MD, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor of Psychiatry, Univ. Crete) 2009-2013

-Graduate DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WORK PROFESSIONALS School HEALTH & WELFARE of Technological University of Athens. (2003-2007)



  • Systemic Therapy,

  • Family Therapy,

  • Autism



Gkantona, G., Ydreou, A., Lefkaditi, E., & Paritsis, N. (2014). Improving Adaptive Functioning in Profoundly Mentally Retarded and Behavior-Disordered ex Hospitalized Adults. A Control Study. Human Systems Journal, Vol, 25 (1), 77-86.

Gkantona, G., Idreou, K.,Lefkaditi E. & Paritsis, N. (2012). Human Systems Therapy (HST) for individuals with intellectual disability. 1st Joint WPA-INA-HSRPS International Psychiatric Congress: Pluralism in Psychiatry, Diverse approaches and converging goals. Proceedings edited by C. Soldatos, P. Ruiz, D. Dikeos, M. Riba, Medimond International Proceedings, pp. 155-160, November 29 – December 2, Athens, Greece.

Gkantona, G., Lefkaditi, E. & Paritsis, N. (2014). Continuous development in social skills in profoundly retarded adults: Is there a case of neuroplasticity? 2nd Joint WPA-INA-HSRPS International Psychiatric Congress: Pluralism in Psychiatry II. Multidimensional Considerations. Proceedings edited by C. Soldatos, D. Dikeos, M. Riba, P. Ruiz, D. Bhugra, M. Riba. Medimond International Proceedings, pp. 75-78, October 30 – November 2, Athens, Greece.

Paritsis, Ν., Gkantona, G. & Lefkaditi, E. (2014). Continuous, “over 6 years, improvement of adaptive functioning in adults with profound mental retardation, through systemic intervention. European Family Therapy Association. First European Conference on Systemic Research in Therapy, Education and Organisational Development: Linking Systemic Practice and Systemic Research, 6-8 March, Heidelberg, Germany.